Friday, February 29, 2008

Almost Done

We are almost done unpacking. The only boxes left are the ones with pictures to hang. I think that we did a pretty good job of unpacking. I can't tell you how much this place now feels like home. It looks just like our last place, just down the road a little. And makes me realise just how much Ft Knox didn't feel like home at all.

On a different note Kris left for Ranger school yesterday. And I already miss him like crazy. Its odd that during a deployment, once you get past that first couple of stages of missing your hubby you can be so strong, and get through the day to day, and not feel deprived of seeing your husband some days anyway). Because you know he is doing what he loves, and you usually have a rough idea of when they are coming home. But I feel myself going through all those first stages myself right now. I hate that hes gone. I got comfortable with him around for almost the past year and a half. And its not that I don't want him to better himself, and go to these schools, its just I want him with me too. And I know that this is the start of a long time apart. Kris is due to deploy shortly after he gets home from Ranger school. I know roughest out that my situation isn't the roughest out there. I think I was worst off last time being pregnant. But its still hard.

Kyle must have also been feeling that daddy wasn't coming home yesterday, because while I was busy unpacking Kyle managed to find a piece of chocolate cake that I forgot to put in the fridge and ate the whole thing. He immediately broke out into his face rash. And I can't wait for the diaper changes today.

A little while later I went upstairs to tend to the new cat that won't come out of the closet. And then heard Kyle coming up the stairs screaming. He had gotten into the cat litter downstairs. Just as Zelko had just done number 2. Kyle was covered in it. And had tracked it all through the house. Where is help when I need it. Children always know when you are at your weakest point.

I just hope today goes a little smoother.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Big Boy Bed

Well today is another milestone reached. Kyle now has a toddler bed. I know I can't believe it either. He isn't supposed to be this old. But yes it's true Kyle is big enough for a bed. Once I put it in his room he immediately climbed up on it and looked very pleased with himself. I will post a picture later on, as I can't go in his room right now. He's taking a nap on his big boy bed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We Made It

We made it safely to Colorado Springs today. I am glad the driving is over. I don't have any other news, just wanted to let everyone know we got here finally.

Friday, February 15, 2008


We are offically in the process of moving. We cleared housing yesterday (we actually did it without getting fined), and started driving west. The pets are not enjoying the trip as they don't understand what it going on and where we are going. Neither does Kyle. It doesn't help that he is also a little sick. He spent most of last night coughing. Poor little guy. And there isn't anything that we can really do for him. But give him cuddles of course. We stopped in St. Louis last night and kept on moving this morning. We stopped in Lawrence for tonight. Kris wanted to see some old friends that are still here. We walked down Mass. street today with Bella and Kyle. It was odd for me. I felt kinda old. Seeing all the college kids out and about. And how the old street has changed and how it hasn't. I hope that you are all doing well. And pray for our sanity as we continue our drive west.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Birthday Celebration

So I have had the flu all week, and b/c it was Kris' birthday yesterday I tried to suck it up and enjoy his birthday celebration. We started the night by going out to an irish pub for dinner,so Kris could have corned beef and cabbage. And then we went to the circus. I know we are old! But Kris and I have always love the circus,we used to go before we had Kyle. We got there a little late b/c dinner took so long. To find that some locals were in our seats. What a surprise. And then Kyle did not want to sit in the seat that we got him. This is a surprise, cause if we didn't get him his own seat he would have pitched a fit. But we managed to get him settled down and he really enjoyed it. He was dancing along with the music. Clapping when everyone else was. Laughing at some of the funny parts, and cheering on when the clowns wanted us to. It was a great night. After the circus we came home put Kyle to bed, and Kris and I had oreo blizzard ice cream cake for his birthday. Kyle couldn't have any b/c of his wheat allergy. Thats why he was in bed first. We don't like to eat things that he can't infront of him. It wasn't b/c we didn't want to share cake with him.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Things NOT to say to a military wife

I just got this forward from a friend and loved it. I thought that the best way to share it would be by posting it here. So you can't delete it without even looking at it like I do with so many forwards these days. I hope you like it.

1. "Aren't you afraid that he'll be killed?"(This one ranks in at number one on the "duh" list. Of course we're afraid. We're terrified. The thought always lingers at the backs of our minds ---but thanks brilliant, you just brought it back to the front. Maybe next you can go ask someone with cancer if they're scared of dying.)

2. "I don't know how you manage. I don't think I could do it."(This is intended to be a compliment. Though, its just a little annoying. Here's why: it's not like all of us military wives have been dreaming since childhood of the day we'd get to be anxious single moms who carry cell phones with us to the bathroom and in the shower. We're not made of some mysterious matter that makes us more capable, we just got asked to take on a challenging job. So we rose to the challenge and found the strength to make sacrifices.)

3. "At least he's not in Iraq."(This is the number one most annoying comment for those whose husbands are in Afghanistan. What do they think is happening in Afghanistan? An international game of golf? Guys are fighting and dying over there.)

4. "Do you think he'll get to come home for Christmas/anniversary/birthday/birth of a child/wedding/family reunion, etc?"(Don't you watch the news? No! They don't get to come home for any of these things. Please don't ask again.)

5. "What are you going to do to keep yourself busy while he's gone?"(Short answer: Try to keep my sanity. Maybe there's a military wife out there who gets bored when her husband leaves, but I have yet to meet her. For the rest of us, those with and without children, we find ourselves having to be two people. That keeps us plenty busy. We do get lonely, but we don't get bored, and drinking massive amounts of wine always helps keep me busy.)

6. "How much longer does he have until he can get out?"(This one is annoying to many of us whether our husbands are deployed or not. Many of our husbands aren't counting down the days until they "can" get out. Many of them keep signing back up again and again because they actually love what they do or they VOLUNTEER AGAIN and AGAIN to go back to Iraq b/c there is work that needs to be done.)

7. "This deployment shouldn't be so bad, now that you're used to it."(Sure, we do learn coping skills and its true the more deployments you've gone through, the easier dealing with it becomes. And we figure out ways to make life go smoother while the guys are gone. But it never gets "easy" and the bullets and bombs don't skip over our guys just because they've been there before. The worry never goes away.)

8. "My husband had to go to Europe for business once for three weeks. I totally know what you're going through."(This one is similar to number two. Do not equate your husband's three week trip to London/Omaha/Tokyo/etc. with a 12-15 month or more deployment to a war zone. Aside from the obvious time difference, nobody shot at your husband or tried to blow him up with an I.E.D., your husband could call home pretty much any time he wanted to, he flew comfortably on a commercial plane, slept between crisp white sheets and ate well, paying for everything with an expense account. There is no comparison. We do not feel bonded to you in the slightest because of this comment and, if anything, we probably resent you a bit for it. Comparing a 12 month combat deployment to a few weeks business trip is like comparing a shitty ford taurus with mercedes convertible.)

9. "Wow you must miss him?"(This one also gets antoher big "duh". Of course we miss our men. There are some wives who do not and they're now divorced.)

10. "Where is he exactly? Where is that?"(I don't expect non-military folks to be able to find Anbar Province on a map, but they should know by now that it's in Iraq. Likewise, know that Kabul and Kandahar are in Afghanistan. Know that Muqtada al Sadr is the insurgent leader of the Mahdi Army in Iraq and that Sadr City is his home area. Know that Iran is a major threat to our country and that it is located between Afghanistan and Iraq. Our country has been at war in Afghanistan for seven years and at war in Iraq for five years. These basic facts are not secrets, they're on the news every night and in the papers every day ---and on maps everywhere.)

11. "Well, he signed up for it, so it's his own fault whatever happens over there.(Yes, ignorant, he did sign up. Each and every day he protects your right to make stupid comments like that. He didn't sign up and ask to be hit by anything, he signed up to protect his country. Oh, and by the way, he asked me to tell you that "You're welcome." He's still fighting for your freedom.)

12. "Don't you miss sex! I couldn't do it!"(hmmm, no i don't miss sex. i'm a robot. seriously...military spouses learn quickly that our relationships must be founded on something greater than sex. We learn to appreciate the important things, like simply hearing their voices, seeing their faces, being able to have dinner together every night. And the hard truth is, most relationships probably couldn't withstand 12 months of sex deprivation.)

13. "Well in my opinion....."(Stop right there. Yo, I didn't ask for you your personal political opinions. Hey, I love a heated political debate, but not in the grocery store, not in Jamba Juice, not at Nordstrom, not in a bar when I'm out with my girls trying to forget the war, and CERTAINLY NOT AT WORK. We tell co-workers about deployments so when we have to spend lunch hours running our asses off doing errands and taking care of the house, dog, and kids, they have an understanding. We do not tell co-workers and colleagues because we are giving an invitation to ramble about politics or because we so eagerly want to hear how much they hate the President, esp. while we're trying to heat up our lean cuisines in the crappy office microwaves.)

last but not least....14. "OH, that's horrible...I'm so sorry!"(He's doing his job and he's a badass. Don't be sorry. Be appreciative and please take a moment out of your comfortable American lives to realize that our soldiers fight the wars abroad so those wars stay abroad.)

This last one wasn't part of the original forward but added by my friend. And I totally agree.

15."Does he have to go back? When?" (At this point this is inevitable for most of us, they will be going back. Asking when just reminds us that we are all living in a constant state of uncertainty, we're certain they are here right now, beyond that everything is uncertain, we're constantly living with the pressure to enjoy and treasure every moment that they are here)

I realize most of the time people don't know what to say or how to react but I would suggest a simple, "I know this must be hard, let me know how I can help"

If anyone else would like to add another one I will be happy to add it to the list.

Moving Again

I just wanted to let you all know that over the nexy couple of weeks I probally won't be blogging. We are moving again. Back to Ft Carson. We are very excited about this. Even though alot of our friends have moved on we still enjoyed living at carson. Next week the packers and movers come. And we strat our journey across the country again. We are going to stop off and visit some friends and family in kansas on the way. So i don't know how much internet access we will have over the next few weeks.

On another note it is Kris' 31st birthday today. Happy Birthday Kris!!!!