Friday, February 29, 2008

Almost Done

We are almost done unpacking. The only boxes left are the ones with pictures to hang. I think that we did a pretty good job of unpacking. I can't tell you how much this place now feels like home. It looks just like our last place, just down the road a little. And makes me realise just how much Ft Knox didn't feel like home at all.

On a different note Kris left for Ranger school yesterday. And I already miss him like crazy. Its odd that during a deployment, once you get past that first couple of stages of missing your hubby you can be so strong, and get through the day to day, and not feel deprived of seeing your husband some days anyway). Because you know he is doing what he loves, and you usually have a rough idea of when they are coming home. But I feel myself going through all those first stages myself right now. I hate that hes gone. I got comfortable with him around for almost the past year and a half. And its not that I don't want him to better himself, and go to these schools, its just I want him with me too. And I know that this is the start of a long time apart. Kris is due to deploy shortly after he gets home from Ranger school. I know roughest out that my situation isn't the roughest out there. I think I was worst off last time being pregnant. But its still hard.

Kyle must have also been feeling that daddy wasn't coming home yesterday, because while I was busy unpacking Kyle managed to find a piece of chocolate cake that I forgot to put in the fridge and ate the whole thing. He immediately broke out into his face rash. And I can't wait for the diaper changes today.

A little while later I went upstairs to tend to the new cat that won't come out of the closet. And then heard Kyle coming up the stairs screaming. He had gotten into the cat litter downstairs. Just as Zelko had just done number 2. Kyle was covered in it. And had tracked it all through the house. Where is help when I need it. Children always know when you are at your weakest point.

I just hope today goes a little smoother.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I am glad you guys are feeling at home. And yes, kids do have an amazing way of knowing exactly the wrong time to get into things!