Kris and took a short flight around the canyon. I recommend this to anyone that plans on travelling there. One warning it was bumpy. The poor girl that sat behind Kris threw up all the way. I felt sorry for her. That could have easily been me. I clung on to Kris' hand. and the side of the plane. But it is amazing what you can see from up there. Well worth the risk.
After doing most of the touristy things at the canyon we headed back east and stopped at four corners. Kris complained the whole way there. Not a whole lot to do or see there. And it did add on three hours to our drive home. Oh well we can say that we did it.
We also stopped at Mesa Verde. That was really neat to see. The hiking trails weren't open yet for the season. But we could see the cliff dwellings from an outlook. I also recommend this to everyone.
The one part of the trip that was more like a Griswold's family vacation was our last night. We stopped in Durango. And everything that could go wrong did. The service sucked and so did the food. I won't go into all the details, but we left as soon as we got up in the morning, and looked for breakfast else where.
All things considered we had a great time. I'm glad we did it.