Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I got a call first thing this morning from my mid wife. I then started to panic that it was bad news. since I was still going on the assumption that no news is good news. But she was happy to inform me that I passed. Whoo hoo.

Apparently I barely failed 1 out of the 4 times they took my blood. This is not all that unusual. You have to fail 2 out of the 4 to be considered diabetic/have gestational diabetes. That's why the test takes so long, some people just process sugars differently.

I'm glad its over with. I am thankful I passed. I do not wish the process on anyone.

1 comment:

Carolina Girl said...

Great news!

I read your previous post about your lab experience! Oh my...i bet that was a super long day. I did get a laugh out of the Australia portion of the conversation. Too funny!