How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 6.5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes Yes Yes. I have been in for a long time now.
Sleep? I am having troubles sleeping this week. I just can't get comfortable.
Best moment this week? Watching my friends Husband come home safely from Iraq.
Movement? This baby moves all the time. More than Kyle ever did.
Food Cravings? Still fruit. I am moving on to dairy and Popsicles this week as well.
Gender? Boy this hasn't changed from last week.
Labor signs? None yet thank goodness.
Belly button in out out? Still in, and still squishy.
Symptoms? Just getting bigger. The baby is moving more. I can't stand on my feet for prolonged periods of time otherwise I get cramps.
What I miss? Sleeping. Having a bladder that is normal sized.
What I'm looking forward to? Decorating the nursery. I finished making the crib bedding this week, and am looking forward to doing the rest of it.
Weekly wisdom? If you like your sleep, don't have children. ;)