Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I hate the Lab!!!

Last week I took my regular 1 hour glucose test. Apparently I failed. Which brought me back to the lab today for a 3 hour glucose tolerance test. This is not fun at all.

I had to stop eating for 12 hours before I head into the lab. Thankfully a good friend was watching Kyle, or it could have been even more stressful. I get to the lab, and its packed. I pull my number and start waiting. I had 11 regular people in front to me. This did not include all the active duty personnel that take priority. After a 30 min wait, I find out that the girl I made the appointment with forgot to tell me that I didn't need to wait, and should have come straight up as soon as I got there. A little frustrating. But I get escorted back and get my blood drawn immediately. I then have t wait 30 mins to see if my fasting glucose level is OK.

This is where it begins to suck. I have to down 10 oz of really disgusting solution. It almost makes me throw up. Then I start to feel dizzy. I won't even begin to tell you about the random facts that I am beginning to learn about the pregnant lady sitting next to me.

I then have to get my blood drawn every hour on the hour for 3 hours. (I hope that made sense). I can't leave the lab, as an exercise including walking around the hospital can skew your results. The lab might possibly be the most boring place ever. Thankfully I didn't have Kyle and I brought a book with me.

I did tho meet some pregnant women that just shouldn't be having babies, and I am scared for their future educational needs. Also I met a phlebotomist that needs a lesson in Geography.

1. Australia is not in Europe.
2. We speak English in Australia, so it shouldn't be a surprise that I speak English well.
3. Australia really doesn't get that cold.
4. Not all of Australia is desert.
5. Kangaroo's come from Australia, and they aren't all that cuddly.

I was scared to continue on with this conversation.

All I can say is I am thankful it is all over. This is why I have decide that I hate the Lab.

I haven't heard back from my mid wife, so I am working on the assumption that no news is good news tonight, and will call to check on results in the morning. I will let you guys know the results when I get them. Lets just hope I don't have gestational diabetes, since I don't need to be having a bigger baby then I am already having.


Anita J. said...

Ha ha. I'm sorry for your terrible testing time, but thank you for sharing those little facts about Australia. At least you could find some humor in the situation!

I hope no news is good news, too.

Life with boys... said...

I remember having to do that with my last pregnancy, no fun indeed. Hopefully you get great results. I found out last time that the reason I failed the one hour was because they lowered the standard for passing.