Sunday, March 21, 2010


So Kris has deployed again. This is his 4th deployment to Iraq. I think I am handling it OK. I guess I have to now that I have two children to take care of. Saying good bye was hard. When Kyle told his daddy that he loved him it broke my heart that Kris was leaving us. Over the past year Kris and Kyle have gotten pretty close.

I made Kyle a daddy doll (action figure that's what Kris wants me to call it). He has been carrying it around. Last night we went to go pick you dinner Kyle had to bring his "my daddy" along with him. When we were leaving the house he said that my daddy was cold so he put him up his shirt. He took my daddy to bed with him last night also. Its really sad to think about this. Kyle made me kiss my daddy this morning, and is now downstairs playing with my daddy in the basement.

I am going to ask you all again to please pray for Kris' safety. For my sanity, and for the year to go by quickly. Thanks.

1 comment:

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Oh my... you are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers! Many hugs to you both as you go through this year.

(And super cute and great idea with the Daddy doll/action figure)