Despite my Hubby being absent I had a great time. I didn't feel stressed at all with the cooking. My friends know that I love to do this kinda of stuff. And I usually don't let anyone bring anything, and I like to have my kitchen to myself.
I am very thankful for my good friends that I have made here. And they truly have become a second family. What would I do without you girls I do not know. I am so thankful that I wasn't alone all day. Even tho I did make a trip to Wally World, and the grocery store, cause I had forgotten things. Like who forgets to buy green beans for the green bean casserole? Me that's who, and I didn't realise it until Kyle was down for his nap, and we had already gone out once during the day. So I guess I am thankful for stores being open on public holidays too. Where I grew up stores would not have been open, and we would have had to go without green beans, and I would have ruined Thanksgiving dinner, with my poor preparation skills.
So over all I had a great day, I hope you all did too. Ohh and I want to know is there something weird that your family makes for Thanksgiving dinner that's fabulous, so I can steal the recipe for next year??? Please share.