Friday, April 30, 2010

Not Good Enough

Do you ever feel like you are not good enough. This is how my Mother in law makes me feel alot of the time. It has been on my mind over the past few days, as she is going to be visiting this weekend. She is constantly comparing me to her own daughter. I hate it. It makes me not want to share things with her as I feel I will be judged.

I felt it most while being pregnant with Joshua. Her daughter got pregnant approx. a month after I did. When I would call her up to let her know about something, it seemed like she wasn't really listening about what I was telling her. She would commonly say something like B's doctor is now seeing her every two weeks is your doctor going to do the same. I would reply yes that started a month ago like I told you. B has her c section scheduled for this date, why can't you tell me exactly when your going to have this baby. Won't they induce you, so I can plan things? NO! Babies come when they want to. Its not healthy to induce people for convenience sake. It would drive me crazy. To the point that I just wanted to stop calling her.

It started up again recently. B went back to work this week, so her baby has had to start partly on formula. She then suggests that I should start Joshua on formula, so he will start sleeping through the night. It's better for the baby to be on breast milk. If I have to get up once a night to feed him so be it.

I have probably another dozen examples of her doing this to me. I feel like she is constantly comparing the two of us, and I never live up to B. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can tell her to stop this? Its driving me crazy.


Kelli said...

Elena - I am sorry you feel this way. I really don't have any advice but to say I am thinking about you.

BF - exclusively BF is not easy and not something everyone understands. Keep it up! You are doing what is best for YOUR baby. Kyler just weaned himself at 19 months. Talk about getting some crazy comments!

I hope someone else has some advice for you.

The Leivas said...

I've wanted to call you ever since I read this a few days ago but I know you've been busy with Kyle's Birthday and guests. You know I had an unsuccessful relationship with my MIL and it was so difficult to have Peter spend almost a month alone with her when I had to be in Durham with Olivia. We did have a long talk and I was totally honest with her, it was really uncomfortable for me because I'm very anti-confrontation but I think it helped. Talk soon!

Carolina Girl said...
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