Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Beach Part 2

Sorry Kyle won't look at the camera.
Kyle and I. I think this is a pretty good pic for taking it myself.

Kyle and I had a great time jumping waves. But he wouldn't let go of me even to let me take a picture of him.
So this is for those of you that asked. I went to Australia to visit my family. I grew up there, born and raised. I moved to the states right out of high school when my Mum got a job transfer here. I went to college n Kansas, where I met my husband, and he is the reason that I continue to live here in the states. So when I go to Australia I don't really do the tourist thing very much. Unless I am with a non local. This was just me going back to my home town, to visit family and friends. I flew into Sydney, and stayed there the whole time. I still have my grandfather, Aunt, Cousins, Brothers, Dad, and a brand new little niece there. My only family that I have here is my Mum and the family that I married into.
If you would like to know anything else about Australia I would be happy to answer. I have travelled up and down the east coast, and part of the south coast, back when I used to live there. Its a gorgeous country. If you ever get the chance to visit, I would totally recommend it.


Anita J. said...

How sweet! I'll bet that was a nice change from snow shovels and winter proofed windows!

Thanks for the fill-in on the history of how you grew up and how you came here. It's great that you got to see your family.

I remembered from long ago that you didn't grow up here, and I have always marveled at the quality of your English. LOL. Australia fits right into that "writes English like a native" equation.

My husband and I both dream of going to Australia one day. If we ever do, maybe you can tell us the best places to see.

Cori said...

How neat! I had no idea you were originally from Australia.

Great pics! :)

Carolina Girl said...

What great pics to look at on what is a very COLD day here! I've never been to Australia, but I do miss the beach (SC coast). Love the new look of your blog!