Thursday, December 11, 2008


Today I spend the day winterising the house. I really noticed one set of windows letting in cold air. So I bought this kit and sealed my windows. I always thought that doing this was kinda ghetto. But today I found a way to seal them with the blinds on the outside so you don't see the film. I have already noticed the difference. I always hated sitting on that couch, because it feels chilly. So maybe I will be able to use that couch this winter.

The other plus about using this product is that it cuts down on your heating bills. Now for those of you that know yes I do live on a military post, and my heating bills should be covered right. Not the case. A couple of years ago they decided what the right amount of electricity we could use, and if we go over that then we have to pay. Which I usually go over, cause I am home all day using electricity, and I do like it warm in here, so the heating is on. So I am hoping by doing a little winterising I will finally get under the base line. And maybe even get a refund. Yes if you conserve energy you get money back. Its the army's way of getting us to conserve energy.

So in a few months I will let you know if it makes a difference in what we spend on heat.
In case your wondering, these are really easy to install, all you need is a pair of scissors, and a hair dryer. Does anyone else have anything you do to your house in the winter to keep the cold out, or to save money? Let me know, I may want to try it.

1 comment:

Anita J. said...

I have considered going ghetto like that this winter. There is no telling how much I would save if I weather strip my front door, too. I can see light around it. I might try this.