Our Family waiting for Kris to come home
Whenever I hear these songs, all the emotions flood back. I think about the year that we have spent apart. How happy I am to have him home and safe. How happy I am for him to see Kyle again. Last time he came home, and Kyle was 6 months old. Kris was home on his mid tour when Kyle was born, and left when he was a week old. I can't imagine leaving your child for that long. Missing out on their everyday lives. watching them develop and grow. Its a sacrifice that most soldiers make. This is what I think about when I hear these songs.
I think about being in the Special Events Center here on post. Seeing all the families. Watching the anticipation on their faces. The place is filled with so much energy, its impossible to describe. You hear the place erupt when you are told that the Buses that bring our soldiers from the airport to post, have arrived. Then its the hardest part of the wait (at least for me it is). You know they are so close, but you still have to wait. Our soldiers have to turn in their weapons, and in process. This is when the music starts. I don't know how it is possible, but you start to get even more excited.
Then when you Hear "God Bless the USA" start, the whole place erupts again. The doors swing open, and our guys and girls march in. This is when everyone starts scanning. The family in the stands, the soldiers in formation standing in from to us. We are looking for our soldier, they are looking for their families. Looking for your soldier isn't the easiest thing either. They all look alike. Dressed in their uniforms. Usually five deep. And there is approx 200-250 soldiers that you have to scan. Once you find your soldier, its magical. All the stress of the past year (or longer for the soldiers that are coming home right now) is gone. They are home safe.
The actual ceremony is one of the hardest things to stand thru. You want to run over to your soldier and hug and kiss them. But you can't until they are dismissed. That first hug and kiss is awesome. But also kinda weird, cause usually there are people around watching and sometimes taking photos, or videos. Here are a few pictures from Kris last welcome home ceremony.
Kris holding Kyle for the first time in six months.
Our first kiss. I told you it was awkward.

On the way home. Well in the car, before we strapped him in.
Showing off the T Shirt Mommy made for him.
This all the stuff that floods back to me, when I hear these songs. I hope you like them. If you live near a military base, and get a chance. You should attend a home coming celebration. I don't think you can help but be moved by the emotion in the room. You will see first hand what I am trying to describe here. You'll appreciate some of the sacrifices that you may not think about everyday, that these soldiers make, so this country can be free and safe.
Oh my gosh Elena. I got chills reading this and it seriously made me cry! I am so happy for you that Kris will be home soon!
Wow! I know exactly how you feel. EVERY time I hear those Toby Keith songs, I get teary eyed and it always transforms me to the moment those doors fly open and our husbands are IN SIGHT!!!! I get teary eyed just thinking about it now. I'm so glad to hear that Kris will be home soon. Your family has sacrificed so much these past few years. Your love for each other just continues to grow stronger and it shows.
Ellie, you let some crazy buffalo rancher sit next to you? ;) Enjoyed reading this post. I was honored to help you welcome Kris home last time...he is a true hero. Can't wait for the news when he's home again! Love you guys!
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