Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Legal Anniversary!

Today Kris and I have been married for 4 years legally. We celebrate our church wedding anniversary, but I thought it is something worth mentioning.

Four years ago today, I got dressed in my best (favorite) Jeans that had a hole in the left knee, and a black turtleneck sweater. Kris was wearing something pretty similar. I knew we needed to go to constitution hall, to get married. I thought this would logically be on constitution road. So Kris and I hopped in the car and started driving up and down constitution road, looking for constitution hall. I knew it was downtown. We couldn't find it. We were starting to get short with each other. So we stopped for lunch at the all romantic Old Chicago.

After lunch we decided that we would look again, we drove past the town hall. Hey we thought maybe this is where we need to get married. Hop out of the car, start walking up the steps hand in hand. The nice but intimidating looking security guard takes one look at us and says " I bet your here to get married". We answer yes, and then he tells us that we are in the wrong place. But he is kind enough to give us directions to constitution hall.

We finally get there. Hand over our drivers licences.. Fill out some paper work. State that we are not already relatives, and we are entering into marriage of our own free will. Then she asks Kris if he takes me to be his wife, he says "I DO". She turns to me and asks if I take Kris to be my husband and I answer "Yep". We sign a piece of paper, and our legal wedding is over.

We leave the building, and call our families and tell them we got married. We didn't tell anyone ahead of time, as we didn't want anyone wedding crashing.

So that was it, our romantic legal wedding. Kris if your reading this Happy 4th anniversary. I love you, and I can't wait until your home in a few weeks.


Carolina Girl said...

Happy Anniversary!! I love that part about you getting short with each other and stopping to eat at Old Chicago! If only pizza could solve all of the world's troubles!

Anita J. said...

Happy Anniversary! That sounded like a really short service! How long would you guess it took?